Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Corelle Squares Dishes: Sturdy, Reliable Dinnerware

My boyfriend and I are in the middle stages of purchasing a home, and with our closing date no less than 3 weeks away, we are scurrying around like rats trying to purchase necessities for living. However, in the hustle and bustle of finding microwave ovens, blenders and toasters, we recently thought of one thing that totally skipped our racing brains: dishes!
So in our quest to finding dishes we searched far and wide (well, maybe about 4 different stores). You see I am picky, and the dishes have to match the kitchen...or at least be pretty. No matter where we looked though, all we came across were ridiculously over priced porcelain dishes, with fugly modern designs.
I like simple, and I wanted simple, yet pretty at the same time.
We figured there was no way in hell Walmart would have dishes that we would like, but low and behold, they did. As a matter of fact they had nicer sets than most high end places we had been at.
One particular company that caught my likings was Corelle Squares. They had about 5 or 6 different designs on their square shaped plates, all of which were nice. One design really caught my eye though.
In the back hidden within the dark pits of the bottom shelf was one box of Corelle Squares Kobe 16-Piece Dinnerware Set, with a floral design. Upon closer inspection it was obvious that this floral design was actually that of the Pussy Willow tree. I love pussy willows, and loved the one we used to have growing outside of my bedroom window as a child. Seeing how I haven't seen a pussy willow tree since childhood, the dishes actually made me feel happy inside. I know that sounds weird and all, but the excitement of thinking of my childhood, while also in the middle of purchasing my first house was a bit of a rush of happiness. The pussy willow tree represented to me at that moment the birth of my childhood, and viewing the dishes were like birth of adulthood. So nyah!
Anyhow, before even reading the box about the dishes, I knew they were coming home with me. However when I did take a closer look I learned a lot about them. Firstly they are shatterproof, and come with a 3 year warranty! You can't beat that man! Secondly they are microwave, dishwasher, and drum roll please...oven safe!
The Corelle Squares Kobe 16-Piece Dinnerware Set includes 4 square shaped dinner plates, 4 luncheon plates, 4 soup/cereal bowls, and 4 mugs. All pieces have the pussy willow design running up the side, except for the soup bowls which are just white with a lime green trim to them. All of the plates/bowls have a unique square shape to them which give it a modern, yet country look; especially with the floral design on it.
The pattern on the Corelle Squares Kobe 16-Piece Dinnerware Set also will not wear off.
Basically if the dishes break, wear, or are covered, with the 3 year warranty, and the 16 piece set only coming in at $49.97 you really can't lose.
The Test Of Doom:
Now before we shelled out the $50, we wanted to make sure these dishes were truly shatter proof like the box promised. So... I picked up a dish they had open and on display...and I...I accidentally dropped it. Tee-hee! Heck, anyone would of done the same right?
There was a loud crashing, but to my surprise the dish was in perfect shape. Not even a chip. A few heads turned down our isle, but all was well. They were magic dishes man! I mean I literately let this dish fall to a hard floor, and nothing. Tah-dah!!!
Heck yes! The Corelle Squares Kobe 16-Piece Dinnerware Set is an excellent set of dishes for small families. For larger families I recommend 2 sets. They will withstand the test of time, and if not...they have a warranty!
You can pick up a set at Walmart or at

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