Monday, July 28, 2014

Gateway GM5474 Desktop Computer - Review

I've never had a good computer, my entire lifetime spent with computers were spent with hand me downs, or cheap machines that some dude built in his basement using old roadside parts.
I was sick of it! Seeing how I am a huge fan of the Sims, when the Sims 2 came out I wanted a new machine that would be able to run the game smoothly, the way the game is supposed to be. My old PC couldn't handle the Sims 2, so when I tried playing it on an outdated machine my Sims would seriously freeze up, or walk around like stuttering zombies.
Luck was with me, because my birthday was coming up. I figured perhaps if I was good, I could get my boyfriend to buy me a sweet computer that would accommodate my simming needs.
We hit up Best Buy because I decided I wanted a Gateway. I had an old Dell PC and I knew that 'dude, I didn't want another Dell!'
After browsing the isles for a PC and talking to a guy in the department, he told me that the Gateway GM5474 Desktop Computer would suit my needs and that it would basically run any title on the market without any issues or slow speeds. He was the geek, I was the moron, so I of course went by his statements and stated that the Gateway GM5474 Desktop Computer was in fact, the computer I wanted.
We has options. We could either buy just the tower which includes speakers, a keyboard, and a mouse for $899.99, or we could add in a 19 inch LCD screen for $1,200. I went with the cheaper, seeing how I already had a nice screen at home that I could use with the computer.
After filling out a few forms, we made our way up to the counter to buy the mean looking machine.
Hook Up:
It was a breeze. Everything that came with the Gateway GM5474 Desktop Computer was basically plug and play. There are USB slots in the front panel of the computer, and there are also some in the back. I prefer front panel USB's but was grateful knowing that this machine had more than enough ports for me to add my printer and other gadgets.
The Gateway GM5474 Desktop Computer came with a bunch of other things, I will mention them later on seeing how they are basically the package things that come with every new PC.
After hooking the computer up, I was greeted with the main menu. I dabbled in and out of folders and files to see what the machine came with. It was pretty basic things like solitaire, word, and all that stuff that PC users already know how to use.
After learning my way around, I then went to install my Sims 2 game.
It installed in a breeze, and I was up and playing the game without any issues...and then...of course...
The game crashed. I turned it back on only to have it crash again. Then again, and again, on.
I ended up packing the machine up in my car and brining it to Best Buy. They had an answer to the problem, but I was NOT hearing it. They tried telling me that I needed a new graphics/sound card because the one the model comes with is outdated.
I scratched my head, as he showed me a $250 card that supposedly I needed to run the Sims 2.
Who the hell was he trying to fool here!? The machine comes with NVIDIA® GeForce 8500GT (with 256MB onboard memory). The salesman told me that the machine packed enough power to run the Sims 2, and the Sims 3 if they ever release such a title! Yet here I was standing before Balkey having him tell me that I needed a new card!?
I was not having it.
After a few exchanges of words with management they sent me packing with a brand new machine. The manager told me that there was no way this new PC needed a new card.
I made my way home, and started again.
The machine worked fine and I had no issues. It was obvious there was something wrong with the computer they sold me earlier that day.
I was happy with the Gateway GM5474 Desktop Computer performance while running my game.
Next I wanted to see how well it worked with my digital camera. The front panel has a slot for memory cards to be inserted. No need for cables (although you can use them if you want). The slot supports the following cards/sticks : xD-Picture Card, CompactFlash I (CF), CompactFlash II, Secure Digital (SD), Mini Secure Digital (Mini SD), Multi Media Card (MMC), Reduced Size MMC (RS-MMC), MMC Mobile, MMC Plus, Memory Stick (MS), Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick Pro, Memory Stick Pro Duo, SmartMedia, and IBM Microdrive.
My digital camera's card fit easily into the available slot, and within a few seconds my photos popped up on the screen, ready to be altered, and saved...or deleted.
So that worked like a charm. I'm happy. Cool beans!
The Gateway GM5474 Desktop Computer also comes with a TV tuner. I never got around to hooking it up because I find that I can just watch TV on a TV, and watching it on a computer is pointless seeing how our TV sits nearly right next to the computer.
I have read though that people have had issues with the TV tuner.
The Gateway GM5474 Desktop Computer comes with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ (dual core)(AMD LIVE!) It has a 64-bit processor with AMD64 technology, and the computer operates at 3.0GHz | 2 x 1024KB L2 cache | 2000MHz FSB
I have no clue what that all means seeing how I'm not a computer savvy person. It all sounds good though, and the salesman told us that AMD64 is the processor that all computers will use in the future. He seemed full of crap when he told us that, but it brought him a sale, so...
For more information on this computer specs visit the official Gateway site. I don't know what most of the Specs are used for because I use the computer for simple basic tasks and some gaming. Plus I'm a PC idiot.
The Gateway GM5474 Desktop Computer has been nothing but an excellent computer since I got it about a year ago. I have enjoyed it ever since, and in it's year long life time with me, the computer has never crashed, broken down, or needed updates or repairs. For $900, I feel like we will have a great relationship for years to come.
I have played many different games on the computer with absolutely no issues or speed lags.
What I like best is how the computer is how reliable the computer is. No matter what I throw at it, the Gateway GM5474 Desktop Computer handles it with ease. I can be working with 4 different applications and the speed is not effected at all.
The Gateway GM5474 Desktop Computer comes with Windows Vista. I have mine running with Windows ME though, as I have heard some not so great things about Vista.
Of course it comes with a freaking warranty, doesn't everything?
The Gateway GM5474 Desktop Computer comes with a 1 year can however buy 3 more years at best buy for another $395 or something absurd like that. I have come to learn though that with enough moaning and bitching you can extend that warranty for free. Tee-hee!
I recommend this computer to everyone who is looking for a reliable, fast machine. Those who want nice graphics along; a machine that can handle whatever you throw at it.
It's by far the best PC I have ever used.

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