Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hannah Montana Pop Star Wig - Halloween Costume Review

Why God why!? Why would the head honchos over at Hannah Montana world release such a pile of crap? A $25.00 wig!? A wig that tries and gets little girls to believe that if they moan to their parents enough they will be able to look like Hannah Montana!
The first time I ran into this ridiculous pile of crap was in a local KBee toy store. I had no idea who Hannah Montana was, but I had my niece in tote with me. It was a day dedicated to my niece. We always share special days like this whenever time permits. This time I promised her anything. Anything she wanted in the store.
We browsed up and down isles, she first decided on a cute baby doll all dressed in pink. However when we were just about to leave I watched her pick up off of the rack a pile of hair. It was in a bag. Upon first look I figured it was some sort of fuzzy hairy stuffed animal. A cousin IT toy or something odd like that.
"Hannah Montana!" She yelped.
Okay, what the hell is Hannah Montana. I picked the bag up from her tiny hand and looked down at her bulging eyes. I swear I saw a twinkle in them. Anyhow, it turned out my niece wanted Hannah Montana's hair.
The whole concept irked me. I told her Halloween was in just another month, and that we could get the wig then. Why would KBee be selling wigs so early?
The story:
So it turns out this girl Heidi becomes Hannah Montana a pop star when she wears a wig.
Okay, sounds lame... but now at least I knew why the wig was being sold now.
They weren't gearing this idiotic hair piece to girls around Halloween, they wanted these young girls to walk around in this awful ugly wig all year round! Wow!
Not my niece, I'll be damned if she is going to walk around in school on her first day being called a freak, nerd, or geek because she comes in sporting a goddamn wig in September.
Hannah's hair is thrown into a bag. The bag is stapled and held shut with a cheap cardboard hanger. On this cardboard piece is I guess... Hannah Montana?
After looking into my niece's eyes I wondered how much Montana... I mean Hannah wanted for her hair.
Gah, ga,,, egad! $24.99 for a wig! You have got to be kidding me! For a wig!
Now around Halloween time I had seen the exact same wig for only $7.99 in a local Walmart down the Halloween isle. Heck, down the Halloween isle at Walmart in October you can find wigs of all lengths, sizes and colors, and none of them even brush the $20.00 price mark.
Hannah for some reason thought her locks were better than the rest of the cheap wigs on the market. Why was it better though?
Um... inspecting it I could not find a reason as to why the wig was this expensive. The fake hair was knitted into the same cheap mesh head piece as any other Halloween wig. The hair was the same shiny fake synthetic garbage as any other; yet the wig was $25.00. Hah!
I told my niece that we could get the wig for Halloween (yeah right). I'd be taking her to Walmart for a wig if she really, really wanted one.
The wig:
The Hanna Montana wig comes is a golden colored wig. I can't tell if it is golden blond or golden brown. There truly is no other way to describe the wig except by saying its gold something.
It is long and will drape to your child's back, or behind, depending on how tall or short they are. The wig has ridiculously long sweeping bangs, that cannot be styled.
Directions say that you can lightly brush the wig. However anyone who has ever owned a crappy Halloween wig knows that if you brush a wig you ruin the wig. The same will stand true for the Hannah Montana wig as well.
Directions also state you can wash this wig with warm water and soap. We all know that if you wash a wig it will never look the same again.
-You cannot however style the wig with hot irons, blow dryers, and other heat hair gadgets. The hair will melt.
Is Hannah's Hair Worth The Price:
Hell to the hizz no! It is a wig, and honest to God you can find the exact same wig without the Hannah Montana logo for half the price around Halloween time in any store that sells wigs.
If you value your childs social reputation, do not let them wear this wig to school, unless it is Halloween.

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