Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Kensington Orbit Mouse: Tech Review

I sit in front of a computer at work all day long. When your job calls for heavy computer skills one must have the best and easiest equipment to make their jobs easier.
When I first started working here I noticed something on my desk that I was not happy with. As a matter of fact I noticed something on everyones desks, and I assumed that I had no choice but to use it. It was a Kensington Orbit Mouse. It layed quietly on the red mouse pad that came included with my desk. I knew right away that I was going to hate this piece of crap.
I never in my life had used a roller ball mouse. I had toyed with them at Best Buy before and absolutely hated how they felt. It was like trying to direct a pointer around with buttery fingers. It was awful.
Yet here one was on my desk, ready for me to use it. Ugh!
On my first day I ad no choice but to use it. I didn't know that in order to get things done I had to come not only with a briefcase, but I had to come with my own mouse.
Oh the damn thing looks spacey. The Kensington Orbit mouse is shaped like the space shuttle from the movie The Flight Of a Navigator. On top lies a clear blue plastic roller ball. To the sides you have your right click button and left click button. The design however is supposed to be a hand hugging design to enhance natural finger movement. Hah!Whatever!
I place my hand on it, and hated it. It was too high from the surface of the desk, and I knew resting my hand on it for long periods of time would eventually cause cramps and aches in my hand. My fingers rolled around on the surface ball, so I could try and get used to this new mouse...only I didn't.
My Experience:
I used the odd mouse for the entire day and wanted to fling it out the window. It turned out I was not the only one who hated the mouse. Other agents heard me complaining about it, and they too of course chimed in with their feelings on the stupid mouse. 'Piece of crap', 'sucks', and 'F this mouse' were numerous words and comments I heard coming from desks behind me.
The Kensington Orbit mouse outright sucks. The ball rolls around too fast and the pointer on the screen would go all out of whack, and at times because of it's gawky bulky design I would accidentally hit one of the side buttons and highlight my work. This resulted in me nearly deleting all of my data many times throughout the day.
Solving the problem:
There was no solving the problem about the mouse itself, but there was a solution to my issues. I looked behind me and noticed an empty desk with a standard computer mouse. Ah....I unattached my hunk of space junk mouse, and plugged in the standard cheap $10.00 mouse. Ah ha, it worked like a charm!
The Kensington Orbit mouse sucks, it sucks so bad! It just suckitty, suck, suck, sucks. A few weeks ago my boss finally stated we'd be getting rid of them all together and getting new ones I jumped for joy. He told me to throw out all of the old Orbits we had left in the office. (It wasn't many because some of the other smarter agents went out and bought their own mouse over time).
Before throwing them out though, I yanked the blue balls from the mouse, where they now sit on my desk. You wouldn't believe it but these clear acrylic balls really bounce high, and make for neat office toys for when no one else is in the room and you're bored.
So... they have a use after all. Hehe!
No. Big NO. Screaming NO. The Kensington Orbit Mouse has to be by far the most difficult computer mouse I have ever used in my life.
Where to avoid it:
You can avoid this mouse at Office Depot, Best Buy, and Circuit City.

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