Sunday, July 27, 2014

Movie Review: Superbad

I usually avoid idiotic movies that involve oversexed teens, and undersexed teens looking to become oversexed teens. Movies like American Pie and the stupid ass sequels that followed were always on my list of 'made for horny teen boys'...avoid, avoid, avoid. If you saw a dumb blond on the cover, you knew it was going to be nothing more than a movie that involved sex chasing.

They are all the same, all have the same end result, and they all suck.

I nearly avoided Superbad mainly because of the DVD's back of the box description. It mainly was a brief comment about, alcohol, girls, teens, and sex. It seemed like another typical boring cookie cutter teen movie. My brother bought the DVD and kept going on and on about how great it was. I thought otherwise.
However when I began to read a little closer, I noticed that one of my favorite male actors (Seth Rogen from Freaks and Geeks) was present in the movie. He was my favorite actor in Freaks and Geeks, and also did an awesome job in Knocked Up.

How could I pass up a movie with one of America's most up and coming funny guy!? I couldn't.
The Beginning:

The beginning of the movie led me into believing that Superbad was yet another teen cookie cutter sex movie. Slowly though the plot began to unfold, and before I knew it I was watching 3 teens go on a quest for alcohol to bring to a party they had been invited to.

Idiotically Seth (Jonah Hill) tells Jules (a girl he really likes) that he can basically get any alcohol that she wants. Seth sees this as a mission in satisfying the girl he likes, and knows that if he fails to deliver she will hate him. He also believes that if he brings the alcohol, gets her drunk, he will be able to have sex with her, and make her his girlfriend.

This is how Superbad unfolds. Seth and 2 of his friends now have one mission, and only one mission to complete for the day. Get the freakin booze.

As one would expect, things do not go as planned and the boys end up taking this huge ridiculously funny adventure into obtaining alcohol for the party.

I honestly did not think Superbad was going to be this funny, but the flick kept me laughing from nearly start to finish.

The actors all did a great job (except for that weird fidgety kid-who is he again!?).

I especially loved the scenes with Seth Rogen and Bill Hader as the police officers they played. I think I laughed more at their scenes then I did any other in the movie.

Age Recommendation:
Superbad does have some sex scenes in it, which makes it inappropriate for younger children.

Overall Recommendation:
Superbad is super cool. I actually liked this one enough to recommend it, and that usually does not happen in teeny bopper flicks. It is to funny to pass up. Definitely go out and buy the DVD, or rent it for the night.

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