Monday, July 28, 2014

My 1998 Toyota Corolla: Over A Decade of Reliability

I don't know about you, but nothing bores me more then car reviews written up by professionals, that do nothing but praise a car, and fail to mention the cons. They hype the car up and make it seem too good to be true. Most of the time when I read nothing but praises I assume the review was written by a witty car salesman.
I don't know much about cars, I can't tell you how the engine purrs, or how the thing in the thing with the oil thing on it works. I can tell you though how my 1998 Toyota Corolla has impressed me, and depressed me.
I am one of these people that believe when you speak highly of your car, it breaks down, or something terrible happens to it.
So, excuse me while I take a moment to knock on wood.
Okay then; I've had my Toyota Corolla 98 LE edition for... drum roll please; for almost 10 years. I call her "white diamond".
I've never had any big problems with this hand me down from my mother (whom paid $11,000, nearly 10 years ago for it).
It runs beautifully. There are times when I'm driving, and I don't even realize the speed I've put on. Before I know it I'm cruising down sunrise going 75mph. Basically what I'm trying to say is, even after 10 years the car runs just as smoothly as it did when it was brand new off of the lot. It also handles well on rocky roads or dirt roads.
Yes I know, this is shocking coming from such an old girl.
Gas mileage:
I get around 30mpg. Even with such high gas prices this day and age, it still only costs me around $30 to fill the car up completely. I usually only put $10.00 in and I am good for the majority of the week.
Safety Features
The 1998 Toyota Corolla comes with a driver airbag (which is in the steering wheel) and, a passenger airbag (in the dashboard). My white diamond also comes with anti-lock breaks, and automatic windows, that you can lock.
Indoor safety lock features: -this is so little ones don't just open the door while your driving; or your elders (like my grandfather used to do).
Our Toyota came with an alarm system. But it died within 5 years of use. Which is a pretty good lifetime, I suppose. But replacing it is impossible seeing how its no longer being made.
Aside from the indoor locking feature, I'm going to tell you about how well this car handles in accidents.
My True story:
-We are at a red light completely stopped. The car behind us is on his cell phone, and isn't paying attention. He slams in the back of my Toyota going about 40 mph. Our car was thrust into the car in front of us, and that one in front of that... like a scary domino effect.
After going through a bit of shock and shaking, we finally getting out to inspect the car. You would not believe what we found...
there was nothing more than a bump on my back bumper, and not a scratch on my front bumper. The guy who hit us, his car was crumbled from the nose to the window. His car was totaled.
Now being hit with such force, I was expecting to find my bumper across the street, maybe a missing tire or something of the sort, but there was nothing more than one solitary dent. It was pretty surprising.
My car seemed like superman made of steel; while the guy behind me, he was riding around in recycled tin cans.
Now if it also weren't for the seat belts locking up, we would of been thrown through the windshield. So pretty much, our 1998 Toyota Corolla saved our lives that day, due to the wonderful features that are installed in the car.
I don't know how well the car would handle a side impact. So I cannot really make any notes on side impact. I will though take a guess and say that a side impact accident would handle just as well as rear impact accidents. I'm not testing that theory though; sorry.
My 1998 Toyota Corolla came with a regular AM/FM radio with touch buttons that are easy to use. (None of that old school crank dial stuff).
In it's 10 years I have never have had any issues with the radio. The buttons are still intact, and they work just as well as they did on day 1.
My 1998 Toyota Corolla is also pretty decent in size. With a large enough interior to fit up to 4 people, and a small enough exterior to weasel your way down small roads, and crammed up parking lots.
The driver and passenger seats adjust to any comfort level, and accommodate any size person, making it easy to reach the pedals with comfort. The back seat is designed for 2 passengers, and has a small middle, that if necessary can fit a third person. I don't recommend it though.
Like I said, I haven't had any big issues with the car. Of course some tire changes, and new break pads, and some new windshield wipers, naturally your oil changes. Etc. Aside from these small necessities, the 1998 Toyota Corolla pretty much takes care of itself. (At least my white diamond does)
Where There Are Pros, There Are Cons:
There are some small not so wonderful things I must tell you about the 1998 Toyota Corolla.
1. The light on the ceiling: It doesn't always stay lit, and when you turn it off, sometimes it will go back on, then off, so your sitting there sometime fumbling with it for a few minutes. Not good, this little defect could drain the battery if your not careful.
2. The lighting system on the shift. Mine burnt out, so now with my defective ceiling light and no lights on my shift; at night, I'm forced to either bring a flashlight with me, or light up my lighter to see what gear I'm in.
I mean it's no big deal, I know which gear is drive, reverse, neutral, park... etc.
When I was a new driver though, I was just getting used to the car, and it was annoying not having the light. Even though I know where all the gears are, at night I sometimes still put her in reverse when I meant to put her in drive.
3. The headlights also never shut off. It's supposed to be a safety feature, but I can't yet figure out how, or why for that fact. It's annoying, and drains the bulb faster than necessary.
Even with the 1998 Toyota Corolla's cons, I still love the car. I am blessed to never of had any major money draining issues with the car. When my Toyota dies in the future, I will be purchasing a Toyota again. I couldn't find a safer; better car for such great prices Toyota offers.

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