Monday, July 28, 2014

Review of Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour for the Nintendo Wii

Hannah Montana is the biggest thing since bread and butter. This teen has a bigger fan base then some famous A listers.
I recently became a fan of Hannah Montana due to the fact that she is the topic of nearly every discussion me and my 5 year old niece have. Hannah this, Hannah that. I could not help but dive into the world of Hannah Montana. Besides, I wanted to be the cool hip know, up to date on the hottest trends. The hottest trend just happened to be Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus).
While browsing about on the net for new Hannah Montana products for my niece I came across something that is going to have every Hannah Montana fan drool.
Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour for the Nintendo Wii.
I knew this was a gaming title that my niece would want, and I wanted to know more about it. Sadly as I began seeking the title out on online auction sites I came to learn that the title has not been released to the public yet. Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour for the Wii is due for release on November 6th 2007. I knew that if I didn't pre-order the game for her now, I would most likely not find a copy anywhere once it was released.
What I would Like To See:
There are no details released as of now about Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour. However I'm going to take a guess and say that it ma have something to do with singing. I figured that perhaps the title would come with some sort of neat Wii microphone.
It seemed like a cool idea. However after checking the price, I noticed that the title is $49.99. The same price nearly all Wii games come to. This led me to believe that there would be no included microphone. If there was an included microphone odds are the title would be about $10.00 more than the listed price.
So what could Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour be about?
Perhaps dancing? That seriously could be the only other way this game could be played without having to include a microphone for singing.
I'm imagining that Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour will be played like any other Wii game. A few flails of your arms and Hannah dances. I'm also guessing that with each passing concert the game will become more and more difficult.
I honestly don't know what is going to hatch from Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour for the Nintendo Wii, but I do know that whatever it is, the game is sure to be a must have for all Hannah Montana fans.
My niece is going to flip when I hand her the game. My nephew may hate me for buying such a girly title...but he will just have to deal, because Hannah freaking rules.

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