Monday, July 28, 2014

Pulse (2006) Horror Movie Review

This opinion reveals major details about the movie's plot. I hate movies that begin with all out action, and confusion. It's like you are thrown right into the battlefield with no explanation as to why, or what is going on. Usually when movies start like this, they end like this. Confusing.
In 2006 director Jim Sonzero remade Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa's movie Pulse. He then managed to get America all hyped with terrifying commercials and by labeling Pulse 'The Years Scariest Movie'.
Sorry to say this but, Pulse failed for me, and who decided that this was 'scary'. Pulse may of had some good scenes thrown into it, but nothing was 'oh my god I'm so scared' scary.
I think the main reasoning is because this movie pushes it boundaries. Where it could have just been a low-key type of haunt flick, it went and progressed in a matter of minutes into a world epidemic.
So what is Pulse? Well I'm honestly not sure why that name was chosen. It should have been called virus. It would have made more sense.
The Plot:
Okay so there is this college girl named Mattie; a typical blond bimbo, her boyfriend Josh is ignoring her blah blah...She waits a few days to see him. God only knows why?
During her visit Josh looks like he is out of it, and is covered in some nasty black seaweed shaped veins and ugly bruises. While she is trying to question him about where he has been and all that annoying girlfriend doodah, he then walks like a zombie into another room as he tells her to wait outside. While she is waiting outside in the other room, he hangs himself.
Oh dear, next things look like they're about to get good because Josh sends all of his friends instant messages from 'beyond the grave'... dunt, dunt, dunnnn. Each message is asking for help, over and over again. Creepy, creepy ey? I truly thought this movie was going to be awesome, I mean it started pretty could only get cooler right?
Anyhow, one of Josh's friends breaks into the apartment to see if he had left the computer on and that could be why they were getting the instant messages. Perhaps someone was toying with the computer?
Once he is in the apartment he realizes that the computer is gone! Oh no'ze!!! Then something bad happens to him. Oopise Daisy! Should have been more careful now shouldn't you of?
This is where we have our first problem. You see this friend disappears; yet no one seemed to notice throughout the movie. Hmm, guess he wasn't cool enough to think about. He's just gone, gone, gone, and no one cares. Weird... okay? Um....
Moving on...
Suicides are happening left and right now. Mattie decides to go on a quest to find Josh's computer, and luck is on her side (go figure), she finds the guy who bought the computer off of the apartment buildings landlord pretty quickly from a guy named Dexter.
Dexter lets her know it's not him who has been instant messaging people because he hasn't even turned it on yet, he proves this to her by showing her that the computer is still in his trunk.
When he does finally plug it in he finds a series of strange images. (The Ring's vibe is present here) He then shows the images to Mattie who runs away like the bimbo she is. Boo-hoo, sniffle doooo...
Mattie tries to play things off as normal (even though she has had a few unexplained run ins with the ghoulies) until she gets a package that was sent by Josh 2 days before he died.
This tape is the key to survival. You see the Internet gooblie goblins cannot get in if you tape up all the windows and doors with it.
Now the movie all of a sudden twists into an all out world virus. The virus is spread through electronic devices and suddenly the whole world is being affected. The ghosts or whatever they are suck the life out of the humans until they either commit suicide or turn into a black mass of dust.
How do they stop this epidemic?
Well Dexter has found the key. You see he has discovered that Josh had hacked into someone's system and unleashed the ghosts or soul suckers. So now he has to hack into the system himself and find out whose system Josh hacked into to unleash it. Yeah, I was a bit confused at this point. Things kept happening at too fast of a pace to follow.
Are they able to stop the virus? Or do they just die like everyone else?
Pulse is basically a movie about what could happen (although the odds are slim to... never) if people keep on relying on electronic devices. Yay, a moral! Blah.
Overall Opinion:
For me Pulse had some good spooks here and there, with some pretty creepy visuals. But the ghosts were all blurry. So it's nothing to jump out of your seat about. Not only that, it's also very obvious when one is about to appear. Nothing jumps out at you and causes a heart palpitation. They begin to play creepy music...once the creepy music is played you know something bad is about to happen. The creators of horrors have to stop doing that! I know it's meant to add a creepy vibe, but it is also a dead give away that something bad is about to happen.
The movie would have been scary if it weren't for its ridiculous and unbelievable plot. A world without electronic devices such as cell phones, TV, and computers is more frightening.
They could have done a movie based on how humans would react without such devices, but then they had to go and throw in these ridiculous ghosts (that I still have no idea why they were present) and totally ruin it.
Not only that but a lot of things went unanswered; for one, the question 'why?' was present in my mind quite a few times.
Like why were Mattie and Dexter the only ones in the world that knew how to stop this virus? No one else!
Just because everyone disappears or commits suicide, why were their no cars left in the city of all places? Where'd they go? Why was Mattie so easily able to escape from the 'ghosts', yet everyone else who seemed to get close encounters ended up toast? Why didn't Mattie put up the red tape when she had her first ghost encounter? Why was Josh's ghost sending instant messages, asking for help, yet nothing came of it? One would think that the movies plot would take the characters on a quest to finding Josh and helping release his soul or something... but it never did. WHY, WHY, WHY!?!?
Final Thoughts:
Pulse had a good start in the beginning, and just failed to deliver. Too many important details went to the trash and went unanswered, it's almost as if the director just decided to add them in, then forget about them hoping the audience would forget as well.

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