Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Review: Swarovski Soft Comfort Hammock Swing Hanging Chair

Yard sales pop up everywhere in my town in the summertime. I had some good days, and I had some bad ones while yard selling. The last yard sale I hit up about a month ago was 2 blocks from my house.
While quickly browsing their tables and lawn, I was disappointed to see that most of the crap they were selling was just a bunch of horrendous Christmas figures and dusty wreaths. However with a quick glance to my right, sat a large box with a photo of a hammock swing on it. I have wanted one of these damn things since my niece and nephew broke my last one by rough housing on it.
My last hammock swing though was made of thin fabric though, and by the looks of this swing, I knew it would withstand their torture...however, my plans were to keep them the hell off of it, or at least learn how to SIT when they are on it! Standing is what broke the last one. (Bastards!)
I asked the woman, 'how much?' When she told me 10 dollars, I couldn't pass it up. She then told me all the pieces were in the box, and that they had never used it. I was a bit unsure because the box was clearly open, and looked a bit beat up, but for 10 dollars I took my chances and headed home.
I knew that this particular model would sell brand new for at least $50.00, but after today I learned that the Swarovski Soft Comfort Hammock Swing Hanging Chair can hit high prices in the $90.00 range! Boyah! I robbed them! Hahaha!
Everything was already attached in the box. The swing came with a durable green and white weather and fade resistant fabric filled with foam for extra durability and comfort. On the sides of the chair durable white mildew resistant polyester ropes ran that run through ring slots that hold the chair together. At the top of the chair are metal rings that hold down a sturdy wooden bar; on top of the wooden bar is yet another hook that holds a chain. The chain is then attached to a tree, or to your front porch awning.
I planned on hanging mine in our back yard tree. This tree already has rope set up with a cheap wooden swing chair on it. All I had to do was remove the old chair and tie up the new one.
Setting up the Swarovski Soft Comfort Hammock Swing Hanging Chair:
Set up was simple. The chair already had all of the ropes installed properly, all that was needed was the attachment of the wooden bar. The set came with all of the tools I needed to hook it up. Within only 5 or 6 minutes everything was in it's proper place, and I was ready to hang the hammock.
My Use:
Once I had the Swarovski Soft Comfort Hammock Swing Hanging Chair positioned to a height I felt comfortable with (and a height that my niece and nephew could not reach), I positioned my butt into the chair to test it out.
Tah dah! It held like a pro! It is designed to hold up to 250 pounds, however I beg to differ. Although it is durable and all of that good stuff, I could easily see the fabric ripping if you weigh in at the 220 category.
I sat in it for about an hour swinging back and fourth while enjoying the weather.
Over time:
It has been a month since I first put up the Swarovski Soft Comfort Hammock Swing Hanging Chair, and I can already notice very slight fading in the green fabric. It does not bother me, but for a fade proof promise written so boldly on the box, I expected it to last a bit longer!
Although the chair is weather proof, if it rains, your bum will get wet the next day...and the next day after that until it dries. I was sort of expecting this, but it is annoying. If the chair is not hung in direct sunlight it could take even longer to dry.
The ropes on the chair are still in perfect condition, as is the wooden bar and chain.
I have enjoyed the Swarovski Soft Comfort Hammock Swing Hanging Chair since purchasing it, and I got it for such a steal I cannot complain.
The Swarovski Soft Comfort Hammock Swing Hanging Chair is meant for light swinging, and is not designed for horseplay, or children who will not sit down in it properly.
The seat is designed for sitting down, popping open a book, and relaxing. Standing up on the hammock will guarantee a rip. If possible keep children off of it, unless they are supervised.
Where to purchase one:
Well if the stars are lined up in your favor you too may be able to pick one up at a yard sale...however the chances of this happening are slim. You can however order one online at for $89.99. Stands can also be purchased separately.
The Swarovski Soft Comfort Hammock Swing Hanging Chair is a swing that will last for years if given the proper care, and used correctly. It truly is an extremely relaxing and comfortable swing chair that you will enjoy.

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