Monday, July 28, 2014

Shrek Laugh with Me Plush Baby Doll - Review

My sister sometimes does not make sense to me. Actually she does not make sense to me a lot. You see recently she has been moaning about Christmas and how expensive it is going to be, and how she does not have the money to get her kids those hot ticket items they have on their lists. Yet 20 minutes after moaning about no money, she will go and buy them a toy and give it to them right then and there.
I kept saying, why the hell didn't you just save that and give it to them for Christmas.
The item in question:
Shrek Laugh With Me Plush Baby Doll.
The Price:
$25.00 (picked up at Walmart due to a screaming child who wanted her way. Aka my niece- aka her spoiled daughter)
I don't know why she caved in and let her have it, but she did. It was a stupid move, seeing how she could have bought it at a later date, and given it to her on Christmas Day!
Why My Niece Went Nuts:
We were at Walmart doing some light beginners Christmas shopping. While my sister went about shopping I took my niece to the little girls toy section and told her to pick out something she would want for Christmas. My plan was to have her find something she would want, and if the price was reasonable I would come back and pick it up for her at a later date. I figured a $10.00 limit would be decent, seeing how I already bought her a Hannah Montana plug and play video game a few days ago.
We browsed up and down the isles and I noticed something about her attitude that I did not like. She seemed to of mistaken our little isle browsing for 'Auntie is going to buy me something today'.
She came across the isle of baby dolls. Her favorite isle. Many of the dolls on the shelves were dolls she had already, some of them she had doubles. She first picked up this Baby So Real Doll that I knew for a fact she had at home. She then blew a fit and told me she didn't have it.
That was when I picked up the doll, put it back on the shelf and walked away. There was no way I was dealing with this attitude. As I grabbed her hand and began to tote her along, she grabbed hold of the Shrek Laugh With Me Plush Baby Doll.
The doll was in a large plastic and cardboard box, so naturally it fell to the floor. That was when the tears began flying from her eyeballs, and I wanted to crack a skull.
She then proceeded to stomp her feet. Thankfully her mom was down the next isle when she ran to see what was up. It was obvious what was up. The princess wanted to have her way, or the princess was going to have a giant pitty party...all invited.
I told my sister not to get her a thing. To tell her to put it on her Christmas list, and wait for Santa to bring it. My sister though caved, and before we knew it we were checking out, with the ugly doll in tote.
I was shocked, and appalled...and sort of disgusted with my sister. But hey, I got a review out of this whole ordeal; so here goes.
The Shrek Laugh With Me Plush Baby Doll is probably the ugliest doll I have ever seen in my life. I have yet to see Shrek 3, but from what I know they have babies in the third movie. I assume this is the result of Shrek and Fiona's sexual romp.
This particular doll has a plush body, and hard plastic hands and a head. There was another Shrek baby wearing blue pajamas. My niece grabbed the one wearing pink of course.
The dolls head seems to be larger than the rest of it's body, and the baby doll comes wearing pastel pink lipstick. She has giant blue eyes, and a spit of blond hair growing from the top of her head. Her little spit of hair comes with a bow that matches her pink checked overalls.
The doll is more than just looks though. The creepy alien doll actually laughs.
When my spoiled niece opened the box and took the doll out, she pressed on its belly. Once the dolls belly was pressed the baby would laugh. The more you pressed its tummy the harder it would laugh. It works in progression. The more you press the tummy, the harder the laugh.
Eventually the baby would laugh so hard it would begin to shake, and then burp. This loud burping noise the baby produced caused my niece to laugh out loud like a hyena.
She played with the baby for the majority of the day, and the laughing noises eventually got so annoying in the car my sister was on the brink of throwing it out the window.
Was It Worth It?
I'm going to have to say no and the reason is simple.
The Shrek Laugh With Me Plush Baby Doll was fun for my niece while she was in the car. Once we got home, the doll became so un-important she left it in the car. I'm not sure if that is the result of an unappreciative kid, or a boring toy. Whichever the case, it provided a solid hour of fun, and left behind.

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