Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Simpsons Game for Nintendo Wii Sucks

There is no other way to put it, The Simpson's Game for the Nintendo Wii sucks.
This game was a title I was waiting to come out onto the console, because well, the commercials made the game look gnarly.
What I got:
The first part of the game I was actually playing in Homer's dream. It had a Willy Wonka type theme to it, with chocolate rivers, candy, and donuts.
It seemed cool, but once I got to using the controls I realized from the get go that this game was going to suck. You steer the character using the nun chuck, and you jump by pressing buttons on the wii mote.
That was easy, except when the character jumps, he does not go very far, so really having him jump is really annoying.
The main issue I had though was not with the odd controls, it was with the goddamn in game set up.
You know how when you are playing adventure games, the game itself sort of prompts you where to go...or you can clearly see the pathway up ahead? Well in The Simpson's Game, finding paths, roads or walkways to go to is hard. You do not know if you are heading in the right direction because EVERYTHING looks the same.
The first part of the game, which is basically a tutorial on the controls, was more like a goddamn maze for me. I didn't know which was to go, I ended up taking a journey through the chocolate board from the beginning, around, around, back to the beginning....wait, where the hell am I? Wrong way....argh!
The Simpson's Game gets frustrating, and it gets frustrating fast.
Just when I thought the game couldn't suck any more than the tutorial sucked I was taken to the next part of the game where I was now in control of steering Bart. However I also needed to find a way to manipulate the computer generated Homer into sitting his ass still on this stupid switch.
Homer though would follow me around, and around, and around, and it took me nearly 15 minutes to figure out how to get him to sit on the switch without moving. I still don't know how I did it, it was luck really.
I also had no clue how to use Bart. He would remain normal Bart, in normal clothes...and then suddenly he'd transform into Bat Bart.
I grew angry with the game fast, because the controls were starting to bug me out, and the dull background scenery looked poorly done.
If the game is going to suck, they could of at least added in some decent graphics.
The game is supposed to look like the cartoon The Simpson's...but when you turn it on it looks like poorly drawn characters with poorly drawn in backgrounds. It looks hand drawn, sloppy, and it sucks.
I'm glad I rented it, and didn't waste $55.00 purchasing it.
If you still insist on trying this game out, rent it...don't buy it. It's a $5.00 title being sold for $55.00.

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