Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Carnival Games for Nintendo Wii: Another Mini Game Failure, or a Hit?

I was by no means in a huge rush to buy Carnival Games, one of the Nintendo Wii's most recent games that hit shelves at game stores nation wide.
The reason wasn't because I thought it sucked; in fact I thought the whole concept looked pretty frigging cool. I thought though that it would be some sort of Sim game where I could run and build the carnival; sort of like Sim Theme Park. The reason I left it alone at first was it's price. I knew games less than $49.99 meant they were bad.
However when I learned that Carnival Sims was nothing more than a bunch of mini games thrown into it, I passed for the time being. I figured the game play would be too similar to Wii Play, which sucked royally.
Seeing how I have Blockbuster Online, I get a new coupon to print up every month for a free game rental. On a recent visit there was nothing that really stood out as worth wild, so I went with Carnival Games. It was either that or that stupid Ratatouille game.
I knew something was amiss, because usually when a new title is released Blockbuster does not have it in stock this fast. It usually takes 2 months after the release for me to get hold of it. Yet here is was Carnival Games.
The Game:
I was not surprised when my intuition proved to be right. I made rounds through all 25 mini games, and honestly not a single one stood out to me. Basically there is no re-play value. Even when played with a group of friends, the games get boring really fast.
Mini games include testing your strength, a mini game where you have to pound down the wii mote in a fast and furious way. If you hit the poles bell you are strong, if not your a weakling. This particular mini game was fun for about 2 minutes; or until we figured out how to cheat the system.
Other mini games include water in the target, which is harder to do in the game than it is to do in real life.
Milk can toss is another mini game that looses its cool in 0.3 seconds (knock the milk bottle over with the baseball....remember!?), it wasn't a fun game in real life, so why they brought it to the Wii is beyond me.
Lucky cups is another game that the developers threw in just for the hell of it, and the mini game hoops is one particular game where to controls work for crap.
Basically you go around this carnival type environment trying to win prizes, upgrade prizes...and.... yeah... that's it. There really is no other point to the game, and that's sort of what makes it boring (besides the lame-o-game-o's).
Now just when I thought they couldn't make this game suck any more than it already sucks, they go and throw in choppy controls. For some unknown paranormal reason my controls will go out of whack for no apparent reason. The controls will also pause or lock up for a few seconds for no reason; and NO... I do not need new batteries, and no I was not throwing the control out of the sensors range. The game is jittery.
Like Wii Play Carnival Games is a fast action paced game, with very little to no replay value.
It truly is a shame that Wii releases games as terrible as this. It really puts gamers down, and ensures that any new release of mini game titles will not be popular. For me, these non-stop titles that include nothing but mini games are ruining the Wii's reputation. It's pretty pathetic that when Nintendo releases a great game, they copy that game to death. Just look at Mario Party; this was the paving stone to this idiotic mini game titles like this.
Animal Crossing? Hah, look at My Sims, another suck-o-licious knock off of the original.
This pile of Carni junk can be found at any local game store for $39.99. When games are priced in this range Wii gamers already know the game sucks...but did they have to make it suck this bad?

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