Monday, July 28, 2014

Episode Review: Goosebumps: My Best Friend is Invisible DVD

I remember reading Goosebumps as a child. I remember flipping through the pages and diving deep into the scary story that would await me on every page.
Sadly though I cannot remember a single one of these books. When I saw that Goosebumps movies were being aired on television this month though I of course set up my TIVO to catch every episode.
One episode that I caught last night though was pretty bad...quite frankly I am glad I do not remember reading this one.
Goosebumps: My Best Friend Is Invisible is about a boy named Sammy who is obsessed with the paranormal. Every week him and his friend would break into a local abandoned home that is rumored to be haunted. Sammy and his friend would go to the house with a video camera in tote, hoping to catch some sort of paranormal activity.
One night while in the house though Sammy is in for the treat of his lifetime...the paranormal decided to follow him home. The ghost of a boy for some reason thinks that he and Sam are friends.
From here Sammy tries to rid himself of the ghost that calls himself Brent because Brent seems to only cause Sammy trouble. Brent gets Sammy into trouble at school, and at home. Once Sammy tells Brent to leave him alone and to never other him again, the ghost gets angry.
However just as Brent is about to do his worst deeds to Sammy a twist is thrown into the flick that no one sees coming...the reason you did not see this coming is because the twist is so far beyond cheesy that you actually get pissed off that you sat through the movie.
I won't ruin the cheesy twist that occurs at the very end...but I will dive into the acting.
As cheesy as his character was, the kid did a pretty decent job at pulling off some of the scenes.
Sammy's Parents-
They are just cheese...the cheesiest of cheeses.
This kid...umm ghost probably did the best job acting in the flick...because well, he was invisible for the most part.
Sammy's Friend From School-
She did a good job acting, and I wondered why they didn't use her for the main character. It probably would of been a better movie.
I was disappointed with Goosebumps: My Best Friend Is Invisible, however very young children may appreciate this one most seeing how it is not very scary at all, and the twisted ending may actually be a cool surprise for them.
Age Recommendation:
I can definitely say that kids ages 4-8 would appreciate Goosebumps: My Best Friend Is Invisible most. Children any older will just find the movie to be boring and cheesy.

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