Monday, July 28, 2014

LBD: Friends Forever by Grace Dent: Book Review


LBD: Friends Forever by Grace Dent: Book Review

I like reading books that I know will be quick and fun to read. When I spotted LBD: Friends Forever! By Grace Dent, it seemed like something I would be into. The book started off really, really good. It surrounded a teen named Ronnie who was depressed about the fact that her group of friends have recently split up due to a disagreement that had to deal with a new girl named Cressida. You see Cressida (the villain) somehow managed to break up this group of 3. You learn what officially broke the group up as Ronnie tells the story to her grandmother.
Shortly after visiting with her Grandmother though her grandmother dies and the passing of her grandmother actually becomes the reunion of her, Fleur and Claude.
Shortly after the girls reunite they all make plans to take a summer job at Destiny Bay. The hot summer spot where rap stars and celebs alike go during summer vacation.
All 3 of them manage to get jobs as waitress's, but a lot of things go wrong while the girls are there. Not only does Cressida and her minions of evil girlfriends decide to stay in the same hotel the girls are working for, but they also discover that Claude may have to move away because her mother can no longer afford the home.
When the girls learn that there is going to be a beach babe contest with a huge cash award to the most beautiful beach babe, they all enter in hopes to win the money and to save Claude from having to move away.
I won't spoil the ending and tell you if Claude was saved from having to move, or who won the contest.
I wanted to discuss the actual book.
Did I like it?
Well honestly at first I really was into the book. It grabbed me in with likable characters, and a beginning to a story of friendship that I truly thought would be like Now and Then.
Sadly though the more the book went on the more boring things got for me.
It seemed that once the girls got to Destiny Bay the story did not have much more to offer than Destiny Bay. The characters that I once liked in the beginning of the story all seemed to mesh in to one another. During dialog exchanges you could not tell which girl was which, as they all had the same sort of personality.
I know that this is sort of how friends are...they become one another. A little mix of character/personality would of been neat though. Throw in a Gothic friend, or a fat friend...why do they all have to be nearly perfect?
Another thing that I couldn't stand was the end of the book. It sort of dragged on and on. The scenes that dealt with the beauty contest was probably the worst, and I found myself wanting to just skip pages at a time just to get on with the end already. I don't know why the 'winner' of the contest had to be dragged out into nearly 4 chapters, especially seeing how it was very obvious as to who was going to win in the very first chapter of the beauty contest.
Another issue I had with the book was the odd language. They used words such as snogging, and sacking. European slang I assume?
What I liked:
I liked that the book was easy to read even with the exception of the odd foreign slang that was sprayed throughout the pages. The author was also very descriptive when describing certain places, rooms or characters. I just wish they had more individual personality.
LBD: Friends Forever is an okay read. It's not an excellent book that I am going to praise, but it was decent compared to most 'teenie' books.
I would recommend this one to your teen girls ages 14-18. Due to the fact that I believe 'sacking' means sex... I'm not sure if I could recommend it to anyone younger. Be aware that the main character gets her 'first sacking' in the book. So you may not want to give it to your 14-16 year old teens if you are against that type of material in books. Trust me though, there is nothing descriptive about the 'sacking' part. It is only a word mentioned once. So it's nothing terrible. You're kid won't be reading any provocative sex scenes in case you are worried.
It's nothing like this horrible teen book.
I wanted to give kudos to the author for keeping it innocent, yet still mentioned.
Seeing how the word is used so innocently, I would say that it would be okay to let a 14 year old read the book. Parents though should make the ultimate choice. So I thought it should be noted.
Where To Buy LBD: Friends Forever:
I found my copy for about $7.99 at my local Borders. You too can pick it up at Borders

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