Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hanging Heads of Lost Souls Trio - Halloween Prop Review

My last and final Halloween Prop pick up from Party City goes out to the Hanging Heads of Lost Souls Trio. This was the first prop I had seen in my local Party City that I knew I would be going home with.
The prop actually stood hanging by the front entrance door, and I assumed it would run me nearly $50.00. When I was able to get a good look at the tag though, and it read only $24.99, I knew I had found the deal of all deals.
The Hanging Heads of Lost Souls Trio hangs from a rotten looking rope, attached to the ends of the rope, are 3 gruesome looking heads. The rope is inserted into their heads in 2 separate spots securing the heads to the rope without having to worry about them falling off or being pulled of by rude trick or treaters.
Each head is identical to one another, but that does not deter them from their scare factor.
Each head is about the size of a newborn baby's head, and has an expression of pain and horror on their faces.
Their mouths all hang wide open with slash marks on their side lips. Their eye sockets look as if they had been plucked from their heads, and their tongues ripped out. They can't see, nor can they speak... I am assuming this was their punishment.
The trio is done up with awesome paint details to make them look as if they are real heads. The shadowing on the noses and wrinkles were done superbly, and this was why I had to take the prop home.
I knew exactly where I would hang the Hanging Heads of Lost Souls Trio; right on my front porch's over hang. I figured trick or treaters would get a kick out of being greeted by this neat looking prop.
Hang the trio!!!!
Hanging the rope was simple, and can be done by nailing a nail into your awning, or by hanging them from an available plant hanger hook. For an easier approach, simply sling them over an available tree branch.
You can also hang the Hanging Heads of Lost Souls Trio indoors for a safer approach at decorating. (When I say safer, I mean no one can steal it).
The Hanging Heads of Lost Souls Trio is a really realistic, neat looking prop for your home for Halloween.
I recommend the trio because they have the ability to last for years with proper care. For only $24.99, the trio adds a special spooky touch to your home that you and your guests will love.
You can pick the boys up at Party City, or on the site at www.partycity.com.

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