Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Marlboro Light 100's- Review

My second cigarette review has to of course go to the first brand of cigarettes I have ever smoked in my life. Marlboro Light 100's.
I was 18, and for some reason (on my birthday of course) I figured I was old enough to make my own choices...for my birthday I wanted a cigarette. I went into my moms purse (bad teen! Bad teen!) and removed one long Marlboro Light.
I went outside and lit up. The smoke at first was a bit harsh, but 4 puffs later my head was spinning! I felt high! This felt good! No stresses! I was hooked from that day on. The high feeling I got from my very first cigarette though never happened again.
I continued smoking the cigarettes for nearly 4 years, until they went and changed the cigarettes paper.
I was happy with my ciggs, up until one day I bought a fresh pack, and lit one up. The cigarette was not burning right. It was ashing off in odd places, the head of the cigarette would fall into my lap at times burning me, and the paper would burn and flake off causing multiple burns.
I had to change my brand, all because of this new paper concept. This paper concept that was supposed to be safer!? Hah!
Until I quit though I enjoyed every puff I ever inhaled. Marlboro Light 100's are light and puffy, the filter is soft, and collects harsh chemicals that would otherwise enter your lungs. -I know the filter does not do much for protecting you against lung cancer...but hey, at least it's there.
Anyway on to the actual cigarette...
Marlboro Light 100's have a smooth flavoring to them. There is no yucky after taste, and they are definitely different compared to the smaller packs. In my opinion the smaller Marlboro Light packs have a stronger more harsh after taste, so I prefer the longer smokes over the regular ones.
Now although the cigarette has a nice light taste to them, I cannot recommend them only because they are still making them with this new paper that will flake off and burn you. Until they change the paper back to what it once was, I cannot recommend them. For me, they seem more dangerous than before, and I have been burnt many, many times till I finally switched brands.
-Cigarette smoking causes cancer and other health issues, and pregnant women should not smoke them. I feel I should add that in just because some prick may try and sue me.
-This review was intended for those who DO smoke and are looking to try out new brands. So negative comments are not necessary.
Marlboro Light 100's have the same design as Marlboro Reds, only the coloring is a metallic gold. You can buy them in hard packs or soft ones, the preference is yours.
A pack of Marlboro Light 100's will run you anywhere from $10.00 to $12.00 depending on where you live.

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