Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Meat Market - Bloody Hand: Another Gruesome Halloween Prop!

Halloween is by far the best holiday there is. For the entire month of October you can turn your regular home into an all out gore fest, a freak show, a haunted horror; seriously as far as your budget and imagination can go you can easily transform your home into a haunted house. Believe it or not, it will not cost as much money as one would imagine.
A few fake spider webs, a few plastic skeletons, and tah-dah! You have yourself a really creative haunted house!
However splurging every now and then for an ultimate Halloween prop can sometimes amp that haunted house look up to a horror haunted house. Really, it doesn't take much.
One item that I was impressed with this year while browsing my local Party City was the Meat Market. A few years ago when these nasty oeey bloody gooey body parts hit the shelves they were expensive, so I always passed them up.
This year though Party City was selling Meat Market props for only $10.00 each. I couldn't pass that deal up, especially after seeing how well they were made.
One item in particular that stuck out as a must have was the Meat Market Bloody Hand prop.
What are Meat Market props?
They are fake rubber body parts sliced and diced up. They are then covered in fake blood and packaged just like a regular meats would be packaged in a grocery store. The unique meat packaging gives it that creepy, gruesome vibe.
The Bloody Hand is an entire hand with all 5 fingers and a small section of the wrist placed inside of a styrofoam meat package with saran wrap to cover it up and make it look more realistic.
The hand is covered in fake blood, and so is the juice collecting sheet that the hand lies on.
Where they look best:
I planned on actually taking my Meat Market hand out of the package and placing it on a porcelain dish covered with some parsley leaves and fake blood splats on the dish. I plan on leaving it on the table to fool guests into thinking it is actual food I am serving.
However if you do not want to ruin the neat meat packaging you could simply leave it in the package and place it on the table. I find dressing things up though makes them look better...but that's just me, the creative bee.
Another neat spot to place the Bloody Hand Meat Market package would be in the fridge with a few other meat market props.
The Meat Market Bloody Hand is a really realistic looking cheap prop, for some cheap thrills. Children especially will get a kick out of the bloody hand.
For only $9.99 it's worth it. It may not be the best prop in the world, but it certainly is a good one, I give it that.
Purchasing the Bloody Hand:
You can purchase this at any local Party City, or at their site www.partycity.com. Prices remain the same.
For a more realistic look, try painting the finger nails and splattering more fake blood or paint over them.

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