Sunday, July 27, 2014

Movie Review:Futurama: Bender's Big Score

I was sad when Futurama was canceled. I wanted the show to go on forever, because my perverted craving to see Fry and Leela hook up never became a reality in any of the 30 minute episodes that once aired.

It was disappointing, but such is life.

Then...I discovered that a new Futurama movie called Bender's Big Score was releasing straight to DVD. The DVD would include 89 minutes of one of my favorite futuristic shows. Oh yeah!

The movie started off just like any ordinary episode...only the characters poke humor at being canceled, which was enjoyable to see. Next the characters are thrown into a battle in order to fight the internet trolls who manage to scam everyone at Planet Express. Before they know it, the company is taken over by these ugly flabby looking aliens.

The aliens brainwash Bender into doing their devious work. Eventually these money sucking creatures take over the entire planet.

Fry however holds the key in ridding the world of the scammers. You see, he has some sort of mystery tattoo on his ass, that Leela points out in the beginning of the movie. (Don't get excited, they were on a nude beach, and the only nudity present is Fry's butt). The whole of the movie is based on Fry's ass, which makes it all the more humorous.

The movie jumps back and forth from one time period to another pretty fast, and at some points the year jumping actually managed to confuse me. Once I got the hang of what time Fry was in at such and such a point, things fell into place and made sense.

I loved Futurama Bender's Big Score because it told a story that was not only humorous, but also extremely romantic, and honestly it told the ending to Futurama like it needed to be told. The ending was what fans had been waiting for, and although it is just a lame ass canceled cartoon, it is also very beautiful.

This was probably the one and only episode of Futurama that was touching, it fit, and I was glad it ended the way it did.

The ending is also a surprise you don't see coming, and it is gorgeous.

Two thumbs up from me, A+.

This one is designed for all Futurama fans. A must see. You will not be disappointed.

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