Sunday, July 27, 2014

Video Game Review: Jenga World Tour, New for the Nintendo Wii

I have said time and time again that if a Nintendo Wii game is being sold on it's release date for less than $55.00, it is crap. I should of taken my own freaking advice before I slammed down $29.99 for Jenga.

I thought differently though before buying it. I assumed it was cheap because it only offered puzzles. I didn't know it was cheap because it straight up sucked. I should of known better. My fault. Stupid me.
Anyhow, I was attracted to Jenga before the game was even released. I caught glimpses of Jenga World Tour in my Nintendo magazine, and it looked fantastic. Plus, as a child Jenga was one of my favorite top 10 games to play with friends and family.

I didn't hesitate. I thought Jenga World Tour would be cool. A fun way to waste away a rainy or snowy day with my family and friends...only this time; on the Wii.

I bought the game for $29.99 at my local Gamestop. I got the last copy, so I figured the game was hot. It was new, it looked fun, probably would be fun...and then I got to play it. My mind changed pretty fast.
Jenga World Tour sucks. My boyfriend and I first went through the rigorous tutorial, and found that the actual game sucked before we even began to play it.

Here's Why:
-It was nearly impossible to get some of the pieces out of the block stack. If you were successful, you were then given the annoying task of staking the block on top of the pile. This at times could take up to 3 minutes just to position it in a spot that wouldn't make the whole stack fall.

-In the game you can pin other blocks to make pulling out blocks easier. Pinning though only works when it feels like it. This damn game has a mind of its own.

-The controls are so flawed that you want to take the disc and fling it out the door. You will grab a block and then all of a sudden when you try to pull it out, it does not move, even with the slightest jerk of the wii mote, the whole Jenga stack will come piling down.

-You seriously only are able to pull out 3 or 4 blocks successfully...after that the stack comes toppling over.

The game sucks, there is no other way to put it. Jenga World Tour is not even worth a rent. For me, it was $29.99 wasted.

I am disappointed because the game had such potential. It would of been such a fun game to play if the controls were not flawed. I'm just mad that they even bothered to release this one. It is probably the worst game for the Wii since that Rampala fishing game that was released when the Wii first launched.

I thought by now game developers would have their crap together; sadly it appears that good games for $29.99 are never going to happen. I was an idiot for thinking otherwise when it came to Jenga.

As if things couldn't get any worse, Jenga World Tour comes with the most boring tunes I have ever heard. While my boyfriend went at the game thinking he could master the screwy controls (he failed), I nearly fell asleep due to the soothing beats in the game. Soothing, but boring, and it makes you tired. Which quickly makes you tired with the game.

This is probably the only aspect that I liked in Jenga World Tour. Sadly I won't be playing it again to enjoy the cool graphics. In the game there is not much to look at...however the Jenga puzzles and background scenery that I saw were always colorful, bright and cool to look at. The Jenga stacks themselves also go beyond the original game wooden block puzzles we all remember.

At one point we were playing with glow in the dark pieces, with cool spacey backgrounds. It was neat, so Jenga World Tour scores some itty points for the graphics.

Jenga World Tour is not worth buying for any price to be honest. It should of been a free download given to Wii users on the Wii channel. It is glitchy, has horrible controls, and music that makes you want to fall asleep while you are playing.

My last and final plea to game developers who release suck ass games would be to include wii points in with the games. An incentive for buying their crappy games. I don't get why these morons haven't figured this out yet. Wii points for players to exchange for downloaded content. Hello... wake up.

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