Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Review: Family Guy Talking Pens . . . Freakin' Sweet!

Everyone in my family gathers round the TV every Sunday night...because it seems today that all yah see is violence in movies, and sex on TV, but where are those good ol' fashioned values, on which we used to rely?Lucky there's a Family Guy...
Yup, Family Guy fanatics here! While my family goes batty collecting each and every DVD the moment they are released, I splurge on more simple things, things Family Guy related I can actually use on a daily basis.
I work in an office, and as seldom as I use my pen, I like having cool ones, and when I came across the Family Guy Talking Pens, I had to have them; all of them!
The first pen I discovered was at my local Blockbuster. They only were selling Peter, and Quagmire at that time, and I had no idea that there were 2 more pens in the set; Brian and Stewie. Sadly Meg, Chris and Lois were not available in the line up.
Each pen is a standard size, only a bit thicker than the norm. The orange click at the top of the pen is the mini speaker where sounds come out. Each character says 6 phrases in actual voices of the character. The pens also display a photo of each of the characters.
First up on the chopping block is the Peter Griffin talking pen.
Peter is drawn onto the side of the pen. He appears to be doing is fat happy dance, with his large fleshy arms up in the air, and a big goofy smile on his face. His pens phrases include the following:
"Don't worry, I've got an idea, and idea so smart that my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about."
"Hey waiter, that signs in the bathroom about washing your hands, that's only for the staff, right?"
"Isn't bribe just another word for love?"
"Everything I say is a lie. Except that. And that. And that."
"A degenerate am I? Well you are a fasteezio. See...I can make up words too, sister!"

The Quagmire pen displays Quagmire doing his dirty giggity giggity dance. His butt is protruded outwards, with his thumb up, as if saying 'alright!'.
He also says 6 phrases which include:
"Dear Diary...Jackpot!"
"Hey you must be a parking ticket...cause you got 'fine' written all over you!"
"Hehehe, alright!"
"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put 'u' and 'i' together!"
"Lose the zero, get with a hero."
"I'm in! Giggity, giggity, giggity, giggity, goo!"

Ah, my favorite character out of the whole bunch. The Stewie pen comes with Stewie drawn on the pen with an angry expression on his face, (as usual) He looks up at you almost as if he is pissed at you.
Stewie Griffins phrases include:
"Oh Mother! I come bearing a gift. I'll give you a hint, it's in my diaper, and it's not a toaster!"
"No, no, actually it's Stewie, but well, you can call me cookie if you'd like."
"A time machine!"
"So broccoli, Mother says you're very good for me. Well I'm afraid I'm no good for you!"
"You will bow to me!"
"Oh your so observant, aren't you? Are you a detective?"

Brian Griffin is drawn on his pen with a happy smile on his face.
His pens states the following 6 one liners:
"Don't make me beg."
"Do you even listen to yourself when you talk?"
"Sorry to be tardy to the party."
"If dogs aren't supposed to eat dental floss out of the garbage, why do they make it mint flavored?"
"Why don't you shut up for about a week?"
"Me and the little shred of dignity I have left will be waiting in the car."

Each pen in the set comes with batteries so there is no need to buy them separately. The pens that I bought a few months ago still speak with every click, and there have been no issues with vocal jumps or the need to replace batteries.
Pricing and Availability:
You can find these pens scattered about in local Blockbuster stores. I have also seen them available at Spencer's. The price is about $7.00 per pen. However right now you can buy the entire set for $23.63 at
These pens make for an awesome gift for any Family Guy fan. They say quotes from the actual movie that every hardcore fan will recognize and love; and this is why I recommend them.

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