Monday, July 28, 2014

Review of Dewy's Adventure, for the Nintendo Wii

I have my video game ups and downs. I will not touch the Nintendo Wii for months, and then suddenly out of nowhere I go on this sick kick, where I have to buy a new game for the console every payday.
My latest purchase:
Dewy's Adventure for the Nintendo Wii.
Why I bought It:
I bought it based on it's cover. I should of done more research on the game though before shelling out my $49.99 at my local gamestop.
Anyhow the cover was bright, cheery, and reminded me of one of those easy kid friendly games that I could indulge in for hours and hours.
The Object Of The Game:
I didn't know anything about the game when I bought it. When I got home though and put a closer eye to the description of the game, it turned out that Dewy was some rain droplet that is put on a quest to restore magical fruits to some magical tree of seven colors.
Like most kiddie games, I expected a long journey into some magical enchanted forest to seek out fruits on each bored. My first impression was that Dewy's Adventure would include 7 wondrous lands to explore. At the end of each land there would be one of the magical fruits.
What I Got Instead:
Dewy's Adventure was nothing what I thought it would be. Instead of an easy to maneuver character I was thrown into Monkey Ball type gaming. Ugh! I freaking hated the game the second realized everything would be based on balance and 'rolling'.
You use only the wii mote in Dewy's Adventure, and you hold it side ways as if you were holding an older Nintendo classic remote. You then tilt the remote back and forth and steep your raindrop through the environment.
It's goddamn hard, and it sucks, and I felt like I was going to break out in frigging seizures.
For one, it was close to impossible to get the stupid ball of water to go where I wanted it to go without throwing him off of the screen. Secondly this pinball type game totally sucked because getting Dewy to high places such as mountain tops were just so frustrating. If you sneezed by accident the damn raindrop would fall back to the bottom, or off of the map entirely.
Just when you think game play couldn't be more difficult they had to go and throw in all these ridiculous little extras. Dewy can change from a rain ball to an ice diamond to a lightning cloud sun thing. When you change Dewy into these elements he can preform different actions. He can freeze ice, or zap someone with lightning.
It sucked! I tell you it all sucked. Steering him was hard enough, and now I have these dumb button commands to try and follow while keeping him from falling off of the edge.
The graphics in Dewy's Adventure are pretty crisp, and lush. I enjoyed the colors presented to me in the game. Everything else though... well that sucked.
Dewy's Adventure comes packed with a bunch of happy tunes like Mario games. None of them though were catchy or stuck into my brain stem, so that was a plus. I hate games with catchy tunes that play in my mind while I try and get some shut eye after playing.
I can only recommend Dewy's Adventure to those gamers who have played Monkey Ball and liked it. This game is basically Monkey Ball redone with different characters.
Dewy's Adventure to me, was a big waste of money, and I cannot stand it.
My Copy:
It's going to be up for grabs on
Dewy's Adventure sucks, the controls suck, the lack of control sucks...the game just sucks.

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