Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Review of Edy's Ice Cream: Pumpkin, a Limited Fall Flavor

I'm an on and off ice cream fan. There are times where I will have just ice cream for dinner for a month straight, and other times where I won't touch the stuff for months at a time.
I had been doing excellent on my diet this past summer, but as soon as the fall months approached I was back to my old fattening eating habits. I did however cut the portion sizes down tremendously, so that's a plus.
My introduction back into the world of fatty foods goes to Edy's. I don't blame them though for my lack of self control...I do blame them though for releasing 3 fall flavors though with the words Limited Edition sprawled across the ice cream container.
This season I couldn't not give the fall limited edition flavors a try.
My first victim was Pumpkin ice cream. The pretty orange and cream coloring of the container is what caught my eye. The bold fall colors caught me yes; but it was the flavor of the ice cream that said 'I'm good, take me home.'
Pumpkin ice cream. This was something I had never tried before. I like pumpkin pie, I like pumpkins, so why not try pumpkin ice cream. It would either taste like garbage, or it would be divine. Seeing how Edy's has always been a favorite of mine, I purchased it with the thought that it would taste divine.
At home I yanked open the top, dipped in my spoon and took a taste.
Holy crap!
Oh no they didn't!? Did they seriously capture the essences of pumpkin pie and put it into an ice cream batter? You bet they did! Edy's Pumpkin ice cream tastes just like pumpkin pie, only...it's ice cream.
It confuses the palette at first. When one thinks of pumpkin pie they think of the creamy texture, the smooth spicy taste, and in some cases that pie is warm.
Placing ice cold pumpkin pie into your mouth is a strange way to eat it, but it's still equally as delicious.
Pumpkin ice cream is slow churned, so the ice cream has that realistic smooth texture that an actual pie has; only much, much colder.
The ice cream itself is orange, and has little flecks of spice that you would see in pumpkin pie in it.
I still think that they blended up a pumpkin pie and turned it into a slow churned ice cream! Yes I am convinced. You have to try it to believe it.
Pricing and availability:
I actually got my tub of Edy's Pumpkin ice cream at a local grocery store for 2 for $5.00. Usually the costs me $6.49, which is a bit high for ice cream.
Finding this particular flavor right now should be easy because it is in season. It will however not last forever. Once fall is over, so is the flavor, and you may have to wait for it to make a come back next fall...if it does that is. So if you find it, buy it! (It will be available at any local grocery store down the frozen food isle).
Pumpkin ice cream is not for everyone. If you don't like pumpkin pie, you will not like Edy's pumpkin ice cream. For everyone else though, it's a frozen treat to die for.
Edy's Pumpkin ice cream is also not as bad as you would think. It only contains 4 grams of fat per 1/2 cup. So long as you don't pig out, you can keep your summer diet in check all through the fall.
For the complete list of nutritional information click here. You can also view the ingredients by clicking the available link.
Fall just got a little more delicious!
Don't miss Apple Pie, and Peppermint in Edy's Fall limited edition flavors!

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