Monday, July 28, 2014

Review of Halloween Decoration: Deluxe Oversize Undertaker Halloween Mask with Top Hat

Halloween is by far one of my favorite holidays. Every year I work with prosthetics, hit local pubs and clubs that are running costume cash contests, and I take home the first prize. I'm always in it to win it. Sadly though, this year my work schedule didn't allow me to hit up every costume contest party that was going on locally. Due to the fact that Halloween is MY IT holiday, I still have an urge to dress up; even though it means only trick-or-treaters will see me.
One of my favorite easy Halloween masks goes to the Deluxe Oversize Undertaker Halloween Mask With Top Hat. The mask is not a prosthetic applicant, but it is just as gruesome and scary...not to mention it only takes a second to place it on my head; where prosthetics could take up to 6 hours. Seeing how I don't have 6 hours this year, I'm settling down with my old time friend.
I bought the Deluxe Oversize Undertaker Halloween Mask with top hatabout 6 years ago. Due to its popularity this mask has graced the shelves of Halloween stores ever since.
My mask is sitting on my work desk right now, and with age has gotten even creepier looking, thanks to the dust that has collected on the top hat, and the snarls and discoloration of the masks hair.
The Deluxe Oversize Undertaker Halloween Mask With Top Hat is seriously about 3 feet long, from top hat to beard. The mask has a long creepy crypt keeper like face that is colored gray, green, and sports orange and red splotches on his nose and cheeks. He has large ears that poke through his long gray and white hair. His nose is long and curls slightly downward with bumps and warts on it.
The face itself is wrinkled looking to give off the appearance of old age. The mask is colored wonderfully with blending techniques that are usually only used when working with prosthetics.
There is a large black old fashioned top hat attached to the mask that really pulls the mask together.
You really have to see this one up close to fully appreciate the detail that has gone into it.
The Deluxe Oversize Undertaker Halloween Mask With Top Hat has holes cut into the eyes that way you can easily see what is going on, and the nose has large holes cut into it for easy breathing and ventilation.
One issue I have while wearing the mask is the eye holes. Although they are a decent size hole, they still are not large enough for proper viewing. You really can only see what is going on right in front of you, and whatever is going on around you, you cannot see unless you move your body that way.
I am able to look past this flaw in the mask only because it really looks cool while you wear it. However if you plan on allowing a child to wear this mask out while trick-or-treating, make sure you are there at all times!
The Deluxe Oversize Undertaker Halloween Mask With Top Hat is truly worth the purchase. My mask has been with me for 6 years, and gets better looking with age. The quality is superb, as I have never had any issues with wear and tear.
You may not win any costume contests with this mask, but it's definitely something you would want if you are a Halloween junkie like me. Handing candy out while wearing this mask brings all sorts of surprises.
I get parents taking photos with me and their kids as they trick-or-treat, and I get handfuls of kids who won't even come to the door. It's truly a creep fest that all will enjoy; or hate.
If you are really into Halloween tricks you can stand still in the front yard holding a lantern, when kids walk by chase them. Bwhahahaha!
Pricing and Availability:
I ran into the Deluxe Oversize Undertaker Halloween Mask With Top Hat a few times already this year in Halloween stores. For those who do not have on nearby, you can always pick up the mask at this site for $79.99. The same price I paid for it 6 years ago. It's really worth it.

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