Fall is just days away, but already stores have been lining shelves with
early fall season arrivals. Amongst my favorite limited time seasonal
releases are the array of new pumpkin spice flavored food items.
From pumpkin donuts, cookies, and cereal bars, my favorite of course
has to be the new limited time candy selections. I had heard that
M&M's released 2 limited edition Halloween scene flavors which
include candy corn, which I was not too pleased with, and pumpkin spice.
Just yesterday I finally was able to find the Pumpkin Spice M&M's
that every Halloween buff has been raving about, and I have to say I
have mixed feelings about the limited time flavor.
The Pumpkin Spice M&M's come in a very easy to find bag. It
features a light brown overall backdrop color with a large orange
M&M character whom looks more depressed than happy. The M&M is
designed to look like a pumpkin. It is cute, quirky, easy to spot, and
gives off the allure of the fall season. Perfect!
The M&M's inside of the bag are blown up to a much larger size, but feature only 3 colors. Orange, green and brown.
The Flavor:
Now this is where things get interesting, but not in the sense that I
was expecting. The first M&M I popped into my mouth tasted just like
a standard original chocolate candy shell M&M. There was nothing at
all that stood out as pumpkin spice, and I began to wonder if I got
some sort of mix up bag.
I popped another in my mouth, and another, and sadly the flavor was
simply becoming more and more like an original M&M. Chocolatey,
delicious, and creamy; however it was lacking the actual pumpkin spice
flavor that these M&M's were supposed to be.
A few M&M's later I finally I was able to detect something a wee
different. I was finally able to detect some cinnamon flavoring in the
mix, but that was about it.
Some of the M&M's in the bag taste just like regular chocolate
M&M's, where others have a very tiny tinge of cinnamon spice.
Now this is not to say that these M&M's are gross, because they
are anything but that. However I was expecting way more pumpkin
flavoring considering the fact that this what the flavor they were
supposed to be.
If you pop a bunch into your mouth, you will get a very fast initial
flavor of cinnamon, but once you begin to chew them the chocolate flavor
just overwhelms, which turns your bunch into just a mouthful of
chocolate M&M's.
Seeing that they are semi different, I would still highly suggest them
because they are after all very good. However do not expect this big
pumpkin spice punch when it comes to them.
As of right now Target stores has them on shelves, and will likely
carry them until the season ends. I would not say run now and find them,
as they won't be very missed. However if you happen to see them, go for
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