Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Review of Lovin Mood Glow in the Dark Bubble Bath

You are not a bubble bath queen until you have tried the Lovin' Mood Glow In The Dark Bubble Bath. When I first came across a bottle of it in a local novelty shop I had to pick it up. I knew by doing so I would be the coolest chic in the world anyway.
I'm a bath/shower freak. Like everyone else I shower daily, but my shower is no ordinary shower, it is filled with bottles of gels, bubble bath foams, food scented soaps, organic soaps, and all sorts of goodies. When I came across Lovin Mood Glow In The Dark Bubble Bath, there was no doubt about it...I have officially tried it all! (In reality I have barely dipped into a small portion of what's available).
The bottle drew me in only because the clerk advertised it right. He had bottles of Lovin lined up on a shelf with a black light shining down on them. They gave off an awesome green glow. When I first saw them on the counter I assumed they were some sort of weird techno clubs body paint...when I took a closer look though and read that it was made for a bubble bath, my heart skipped a beat.
I barely read the packaging before buying it. Even if the package said 'this stuff sucks', I still would of bought it, because I am a sucker like that.
After getting home I wondered about the bath...I didn't know how I would feel about bathing in the dark, it's sort of creepy don't you think?
In order for this bath to work appropriately though, I had no choice, I had to bathe in the dark.
I clicked open the top and nearly fell to the floor. It was bad, bad reminded me of the scent of slime; you know the kid you get out of quarter machines? Yeah that kind. I sort of had a feeling it was going to smell kind of crappy, but I was not about to throw it away due to the odd odor.
The bottle stated that I would need to use at least half of the 8 ounce bottle for the proper glowing results!? Grrrr! It also said to hold the bottle under a light for a few seconds before pouring it into running water.
So I held it under the bathroom light for about a minute. I then turned out the lights, and the bottle let off a nice strong green glow. I began to run my water, and I took a deep breath as I poured in half of the gel.
The bubbles sprung to life almost instantly, I poured, and poured until the entire tub gave off a light glow. It was actually really neat. It sucked though that I was only to get one more use out of it.
Within about 5 minutes though the glow diminished to nearly nothing. The bottle stated to get the glow back, I should turn on the lights for a few seconds, and then turn it back off.
I found jumping in and out of the bathtub though to be annoying. Really annoying actually. Bath time is supposed to be a relaxing time, not running back and forth to the light switch every time the glow goes away.
I enjoyed the glowing bath for about 10 minutes, and eventually got out. I was sick of getting in and out of the tub, so I called it quits early.
The next bath I have with Lovin' I will be sure to drag my black light from the attic and plug it into the bathroom outlet. Directions state that using a black light will give best results. I have to agree!
It was one of the most unique baths I had ever had in my life. I do recommend it, only because it is very neat, but I highly recommend you plug in a black light if you plan on having a relaxing glowing bath.
Where to find it?
Not everyone has a unique novelty shop in town, so I did the homework for you and located a website that is selling Lovin Glow in the dark bubble bath. You can pick it up for $9.99 at

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