Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Suzanne Somers ThighMaster Gold: Better Than the Gazelle

I got sick of shaking that healthy butt!
I wanted a firm booty and a firm pair of legs. I was sick of looking down at my thighs and seeing this jello-like jiggly effect going on. I was sick of looking in mirrors and catching glimpses of my tank ass.
I use the treadmill on occasion, and I exercise regularly on top of dieting. However, there are still some left over meat sacks that I wanted to firm up, and mostly I hated my thighs, after trying expensive machines that did squat, I finally decided to go cheap and try something that could possibly work.
The Suzanne Somers ThighMaster Gold was the most ridiculous alternative, but heck, I was running low on options, and it seemed no matter how much time I spent on the treadmill the thighs and butt still looked larger and jigglier than they should of. I was at my wits end, and the Suzanne Somers ThighMaster Gold was my last resort. If this didn't work I was done. I would just leave it alone, and continue life thinking that I was cursed with a pair of jiggle thighs and butt.
Suzanne SomersThighMaster Gold is designed to target your thighs, of course; but the Suzanne Somers ThighMaster Gold also covers your hips, butt, upper and lower arms, chest, and back. Woooiiieee!!! Sounded too good to be true, especially for such a small ummm...piece of equipment? If that's what you'd call it.
Hmm, it's sort of hard to explain, yet simple at the same time. Suzanne Somers ThighMaster Gold looks like a bend out of shape paper clip. The hard wired inside is covered with a red foam slip, and the spring in the middle of it is covered with a yellow rubber piece to protect your thighs and skin from pinches.
When you first get a glimpse of the Suzanne SomersThighMaster Gold, it looks like a piece of exercise equipment that should have Hulk Hogans name running across it. It's the red and yellow man!
My Use:
The Suzanne Somers ThighMaster Gold came with an instructional video... but if you are anything like me, you will pass...that's exactly what I did. Besides who the hell does VHS anymore?
My first trial with the machine was in between the legs, just like those dang commercials.
Everything seemed to be working well, the Suzanne SomersThighMaster Gold was creating resistance, and I was able to feel a bit of a burn in just a few short minutes. After awhile though I grew tired and tried out the other maneuvers.
The arm workout:
Hah! It shows in an instruction manual how to use it to work out arms, however this didn't work out well for me, and it seemed that I needed longer arms in order for it to work. Sigh. Failed!
The Side Work Out?
Yes I added a question mark because this is the stupidest workout ever. With this workout you are to play on your side and place the Suzanne SomersThighMaster Gold in between your thighs. Now raise and bring down your leg. This work out is like the lazy mans way out of really working out the proper way. It provided no tension or resistance...which would equal no results.
All of the other workouts were just as lame, and the rest were so difficult to pull off that I didn't even bother. Some workouts called for long arms, or longer torsos. My body was not set up correctly for any of these workouts except for the thigh workout. So that's what I did, every day for about 20 minutes.
Within just 5 days of using Suzanne Somers ThighMaster Gold, I was actually able to see results. My legs were not super firm, but I could truly see a difference in my upper thigh. My inner thighs though were still to jiggly for my liking...but I kept at it. Eventually that ugly saggy looking skin tightened up.
I honestly did not expect excellent results with the Suzanne Somers ThighMaster Gold, but I must say this itty piece of equipment has worked out better for me than the Gazelle which was supposed to target thighs and butt.
One minor issue I have with Suzanne Somers ThighMaster Gold, is the fact that after a lot of use the red foam begins to sink in, and using it at times can actually hurt because of the metal squeezing at my legs. It would of been a perfect little device if they would have just added thicker foam.
You bet. The Suzanne Somers ThighMaster Gold is a must have for those looking to tone up their thighs. I have not seen a difference in my bootie, and therefore I can only recommend it for thighs. I don't care what Susan says, it works for crap when it comes to toning up other areas.
Pricing and Availability:
You can pick up Suzanne SomersT highMaster Gold at any local sporting goods store, or at the official site which can be found by clicking the link,, and key wording thighmaster. The price will come to $19.95 plus shipping. I however recommend picking it up at a sporting store because the price is much lower. I picked mine up at Modell's for only $9.99.

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