Monday, July 28, 2014

The All-Occasion Light Display Projector by Hammacher Schlemmer: Review A Unique Christmas Light Show

I was surprised to recently stumble upon The All-Occasion Light Display Projector in Hammacher Schlemmer selling for $89.95. The reason I was surprised is because I purchased the exact same light show about 5 years ago during an after Christmas sale at KMart. The All-Occasion Light Display Projector only cost me $30.00, and was the last one in the store.
Why I Bought It:
The All-Occasion Light Display Projector seemed new, unique, and awesome at the time. A projector that gives off the impression of floating objects on your house or wall.
On the box it showed how the light show would look. It displayed snowflakes that seemed to float down the wall or the exterior of the house, it showed witches that seemed to fly.
It seemed really freaking cool, and thats why I bought it. Plus, I had never seen on before. All the lights I see during Christmas time, and I had yet to see this. I figured we'd be the coolest cats on the block come next Christmas.
How It Works:
The All-Occasion Light Display Projector, projects white images that seem to actually move due to the rotating mirror ball inside of the projector. The projector came with 8 discs. The discs all have shapes cut out. Mine came with snowflakes, ghosts, witches, stars, bats and so on. (You could make your own if you wanted). These discs slip inside of a chamber inside of the projector, once the projector is turned on it casts the images onto the wall.
It's basically a light show for all year round. They've got Thanksgiving, Halloween, New Years, Christmas and other holidays covered. A simple change of the disc, and you are done.
The discs are made out of thick water resistant plastic. They are easy to loose, so try and keep them in the box when you are not using them.
My main issue with The All-Occasion Light Display Projector was the fact that it is lightweight, and if you plan on using it to light up your house on the outside you better make sure you pile rocks around its base to keep it from falling down. The stupid cheap rickety legs that the projector sits on sucks and blows over with the smallest breeze.
Besides the idiotic set up and rickety legs on the projector it is a pretty neat lighting addition for the holidays. What I like about the light show, is that if you move the projector further away from the house or wall the images get larger. You can have giant snowflakes that appear to fall from the sky, or mini ones depending on how far or close you place it.
The All-Occasion Light Display Projector is definitely unique, I will give it that. However it's a hassle, it blows over a lot, and finding the perfect spot for the projector can be difficult. I must have moved around 100 times outside to find a good place to put the projector.
The All-Occasion Light Display Projector has its minor quirks that annoy me, but it has worked for 5 years and counting. We don't really leave it out year round, we tend to only bring it out for Christmas.
Yes and no. I definitely think it is a neat light show car stopping projector, but for the price it is going for now; it is not worth it. I cannot see myself spending nearly $90.00 on this projector. It's quite flimsy and light. It was worth the $30.00 we got it for 5 years ago, but it is definitely not worth more than that.
If you can pick it up for $30.00 or less, then I would say go for it. If not though, pass it up.
I would check for the best prices. At this time of year though I imagine you will not get it for much less.

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